The Symposium


A 3 days symposium on behaviour, brain and computations

The symposium «Motivational and Cognitive Control» (MCC) is to be held in Lyon on the 11th to 13th of October 2023. This will be the 8th in a series of highly successful meetings that began with a conference in Jena organized by Michael Coles and Wolfgang Miltner in 2000 and continued with meetings in Dortmund (2003), Amsterdam (2005), Oxford (2010), Paris (2013), St Andrews (2016) and Berlin (2019). 


 IMPORTANT : information for registration payment - you use also online payment - in this case please indicate the reference MCC 2023 LYON U1208 . thanks!

!! Registrations will stop on September 30th, midnight !!


Posters should be in PORTRAIT format.

Poster grids are 1m wide x 1m90 tall









Confirmed Speakers

Matthew Apps (Birmingham University)

Julien Bastin (GIN, Grenoble)

Suliann Ben Hamed (ISC-MJ, Lyon)

Philippe Domenech (St Anne Hospital/ICM, Paris)

Alexander Gail (Georg-August University, Göttingen)

Clay Holroyd (Ghent University)

Mark Laubach (American University, Washington DC)

Alizee Lopez-Persem (ICM, Paris)

Jill McGaughy (University of New Hampshire, Durham)

Ilya Monosov (Washington University, Saint Louis)

Nicola Palomero-Gallagher (Julich Research Center, Düsseldorf)

Shauna Parkes (INCIA, Bordeaux)

 Jeffrey Schall (York University, Toronto)

Jacqueline Scholl (CRNL, Lyon)

Markus Ullsperger (Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg)

Eliana Vassena (Radboud University, Nimejen)

Mark Walton (University of Oxford)




Organizing comittee

Céline Amiez

Fadila Hadj Bouziane

Emmanuel Procyk

Jérôme Sallet

Charlie Wilson




















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